This is La Pluma Perdida

I am a last-minute plane ticket and an overweight suitcase. I am a passport, laptop, ten fingers let loose on a keyboard searching for something I lost and may not find again.

I am rootless, temperamental and drink too much. I read the plaques on the sides of old buildings. I wander into cantinas, museums and street markets. I meet people. The world has a lot to say and I am trying to listen closely.

  • nervios

    I am not used to feeling everything this intensely. I guess every time I had a mildly uncomfortable thought my tendency was to bury mmyself in alcohol and nicotine, so when I manage to show a little bit of restraint, it’s like a rainbow of sensation. It feels like the outer protective layer of every…

  • alma podrido

    I try facing the day with my head held high but i’m just too damn bitter. I can’t hear laughter without suspecting it’s directed at me. the success of others, whether real or imagined, makes me weak with envy and despair. another’s success brings my own inadequacies into sickening relief. I take everything personally. If…

  • santiago queretaro

    Take the bus from Mexico City to Queretaro. Now, I love Mexico city, I think it’s a very beautiful city to be in. It is also a very beautiful city to leave. The central part of the city rests at the central of a bowl. Bulbous green mountains rise up at all sides to surround…

  • a fluid definition of home

    It is surreal to think that that end is near. A year of trekking through mexico, exploring pueblos, ruinas, cantinas. On one hand, a year that seemed like it would last forever. On the other hand, a year that always seemed like it was leaning on borrowed time. It ain’t over yet though. On Sunday…

  • la sol y la luna

    Finally got off my ass and went to los templos del sol y la luna today. A trip that came with its own unique mixtures of complications and pleasure it was nearly 10 when I woke up, so i already felt I was running behind. I went to my computer to try to figure out…

  • muchas vueltas

    I’ve tried to make the most of my weekend to get out and explore. yesterday was excellent. I woke up extremely unrested. You know at this point that I sleep like shit most nights. Nevertheless I got ready to face the day. The one thing about this apartment that bugs me a bit is the…

  • fuera de lugar

    i feel like I signed myself for a challenge that I wasn’t prepared to accept. ripped myself away from the thin social fabric I had back “home” and dropped myself in the middle of nothing. continue dropping myself in the middle of nothing, over and over again. I don’t have much chance to develop any…

  • y esto es todo?

    It is shocking how little I feel some days. I am stuck looking for all the passion, the frustration, the fear, the zest. Something has happened, I’ve let myself get hollowed out. There is nothing left. I’m tired of writing about myself, tired of writing in circles only to come across the same discovery over…

  • citimequis

    This is a city of limitless excitement, of calles llenas de todo tipo de gente. De museos, de elote asado, de cafes y cantinas y centros comerciales. De parques y edificios históricos. The city is as close to paradise as any mortal is likely to get in their 80 years of borrowed time. My heart…

  • preguntas incomodas

    two weeks of foolishness and disorder! yes, only a little over two weeks here in yucatan. I arrived with no particular plan but then again that’s nothing new. i have spent most of this time playing house with breidy. it’s been largely pleasant; we almost became novios. Le pedí que fuera mi novia pero cambié…